Registering for an Account
All POPs users will need an account of their own. To register for an account you may be invited by your administrator, or you may be provided a Registration Token. If you have been sent an invite that you received by email with a link to POPs, you can follow the registration process on screen. In the event you have been provided a Registration Token, you will be asked for this token after providing your email address. Users who do not have a Registration Token or an invitation email, will need to consult with their organization's administrators.
Updating your Personal Profile
Keeping your Personal Profile up to date and accurate will help ensure you receive the best support possible from your organizations administrative staff, as well as Inmark's customer service if you require assistance.
Favourite Address Management
For users who often ship to or from the same addresses, our Favourite Addresses feature can save you time, and reduce shipping errors. We go beyond allowing you to favourite a complete address, you can also save partial addresses to use as templates for unique shipments within the same city, state, institution, etc.
Shipping your Payloads with "Return Now"
Inmark is leading the way in reducing the complexity of your organizations shipping operations with our Return Now functionality. The consistent details of your shipment have already been determined, with return now we are using a "fill in the blanks" approach to ensuring your payload is delivered to the correct destination with minimal chance of error, and exactly following your organizations business process.
Using Trunk Stock for Shipping your Payloads
We use the term "trunk stock" to define the process of shipping your payloads according to your organizations process without having to wait for a Shipping Solution to be delivered to it's starting destination. Users can use existing Shipping Solutions that they have on hand to complete their shipment in minutes through the POPs app. It can take a couple of days to get a Shipping Solution to the same location you need it to package your payload, using trunk stock you can accomplish all of the business processes your organization has put in place, and ship you payload in as little as 10 minutes! Let Inmark's Trunk Stock process put time back in your day, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
Viewing your Shipping Solution Order History
Do you ever get tired of searching though emails or contacting customer service to check on your order details or shipping details, with our Order History features, you can not only view your orders status, but so can administrators in your organization. Our Order History and Shipment History set of features ensure no matter how many shipments and orders you have on the go, you will be able to make sense of all of them.
Viewing your Payload Shipment History
Some packaging providers think their job ends once their fulfillment team has shipped the products out of their warehouse. At Inmark, we believe our job is not done until your payload has arrived at its end destination, and you have analyzed all of your shipping performance over the last reporting cycle.
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